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Seed-Time and Harvest: Problems of Joy and Suffering in the Early George Eliot

  • Ilana Blumberg

Date Published:

1 January 2023


This essay reconsiders the view of George Eliot as the vanguard secular novelist through the tension between her early, yet sustained, commitment to the evangelical belief that joy is a providential reward for suffering and the later complications as she depicted a world appearing to lack divine justice or mercy, without promise of an afterlife. I argue that the novel Adam Bede is not a humanist translation of Christian doctrine but a revision of theodicy both from within and from without Christian tradition, representing the mystery of “human sorrow” and suffering as embodied in Jesus Christ. The novel works through to a belief that such suffering awaits all, rather than some, created beings and to the conviction that joy will never banish suffering — that it co-exists with it, taking the form of love. This revision preserved the Christian primacy of suffering while seeking to equalize it and face its demands.


September 2022: Ilana M. Blumberg teaches at Bar Ilan University. She is the author of Victorian Sacrifice: Ethics and Economics in Mid-Century Novels; Open Your Hand: Teaching as a Jew, Teaching as an American; and Houses of Study: a Jewish Woman among Books. She is currently working on the project "Post-Secular George Eliot," supported by a grant from the Israel Science Foundation.

Publisher's Version

Last updated on 01/17/2023