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History of the Humanities

Dawson, Paul . 2024. Creativity — Narrativity — Fictionality: A Critical Genealogy. Partial Answers 22(2): 1-26. Publisher's Version

The term “narrative” has become ubiquitous in public discourse, but to date little work has been done to explore how vitally it is related both historically and theoretically to another contemporary buzzword: creativity. By addressing this lacuna this essay seeks not only to illuminate the popularity of narrative as a mode of knowledge, but to shed new light on its relationship to another core concept in the field: fictionality. The essay argues that the narrative turn and the contemporary boom in instrumental storytelling have been facilitated by a lexical and semantic shift from narrative as artefact to narrative as process, and that this shift is the result of ongoing historical intersections with new secularised and democratised theories of creativity as a human faculty. By tracing this shift we can better understand the contested history of fictionality, particularly in relation to debates about the rise of the novel in the eighteenth century, and bring a new approach to the epistemological underpinings of the narrative turn in the academy and the subsequent popular appeal to personal storytelling in the networked public sphere.


August 2023: Paul Dawson is the author of three monographs: The Story of Fictional Truth: Realism from the Death to the Rise of the Novel (OSU Press, 2023), The Return of the Omniscient Narrator: Authorship and Authority in Twenty-First Century Fiction (OSU Press, 2023), and Creative Writing and the New Humanities (Routledge, 2005). He is co-editor, with Maria Mäkelä, of the Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory (Routledge, 2022) and guest editor of a special issue of Poetics Today on “Narrative Theory and the History of the Novel” (2018). He is winner of the 2010 prize for Best Essay in Narrative; his essays have appeared in journals such as ELH, Style, Studies in the Novel, and International Journal of Cultural Studies. Paul is also a poet whose first book, Imagining Winter (IP, 2006), won the national IP Picks Best Poetry award in Australia. He teaches in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales and in 2023 is President of the International Society for the Study of Narrative.

Cananau, Iulian . 2017. Putting Context to New Use in Literary Studies: A Conceptual-Historicist Interpretation of Poe's "Man of the Crowd". Partial Answers 15(2): 241-261. Publisher's Version



Poe’s adherence to a strict aesthetic formalism used to be problematic for studies of the relationship between his work and its American context; the methodology of New Historicism has helped to surmount this problem but sometimes with excessive emphasis on socio-historical contexts. This essay examines critical practices at work in the interpretation of Poe’s canonical piece “The Man of the Crowd” in light of the recent debates in literary studies around the problem of context and contextualization in general and the “hegemony” of new historicism in particular. It then suggests an alternative method of reading literary texts and their contexts — one based on Reinhart Koselleck’s history of concepts. It offers an analysis of “The Man of the Crowd” as an illustration of this method.


June 2017: Iulian Cananau is a lecturer in American literature at the University of Gävle. Before moving to Sweden in 2011, he was an assistant professor at the English Department of the University of Bucharest, where he coordinated the American Studies undergraduate program. He is a Fulbright alumnus (2007/2008 research grant at Louisiana State University, in Baton Rouge). His latest publication is Constituting Americanness: A History of the Concept and Its Representations in Antebellum American Literature (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015). His research interests lie with literary history writing, literary theory, and conceptual history, as well as, more recently, education theory and the methodology of teaching literature.


Birns, Nicholas . 2017. The Three Phases of the Linguistic Turn and Their Literary Manifestations. Partial Answers 15(2): 291-313. Publisher's Version



This essay argues that the linguistic turn in literary theory, often seen as just a declarative and, in the view of some, catastrophic veering into deconstruction, actually had three 20th-century phases. The first was associated with a reaction to Romantic linguistic excess and dominated the early part of the century, manifesting itself in the work and theories of Eliot, Hofmannsthal, and the logical positivists. The second phase was centered on semantics and was above all a reaction to what was seen as the misuse of language by midcentury totalitarian regimes in Europe. The New Criticism dominant in America during this era can be seen as part of this paradigm and therefore less oriented toward an aesthetic formalism than a defensive inoculation against linguistic abuse. The third phase is dominated by deconstruction and its promulgation of — following the earlier example of Roman Jakobson — a language radically independent of anterior reference and signification. Yet, paradoxically, the era, which was the ultimate unmooring of language from prudence and caution, also saw the elevation of a linguistic approach to all the disciplines, prompting speculation that perhaps the rhetoric of transgression concealed a reality of linguistic plenitude. In the twenty-first century, the epistemological primacy of language, though, seems to have yielded to empiricism and speculative ontology. Yet despite the new appeal of what Best and Marcus call “surface reading,” and though the linguistic turn cannot return as it was in the 20th century, its multiple legacies are important. 


June 2017: Nicholas Birns’s book Theory After Theory: An Intellectual History of Literary Theory From 1950 to the Early 21st Century appeared from Broadview in 2010 and is now widely used in classrooms, and his monograph Contemporary Australian Literature: A World Not Yet Dead, a major overview of contemporary fiction from Down Under, appeared  from Sydney University Press in 2015. He has contributed to The New York Times Book Review, The Hollins Critic, Exemplaria, Arizona Quarterly, MLQ, and many other journals and edited anthologies.


Franke, William . 2014. Canonicity, Creativity, and the Unlimited Revelation of Literature. Partial Answers 12(1): 1-24. Publisher's Version

Developing in a specifically religious register a poetic epistemology, this essay argues for rehabilitating revelation as a model of knowing that challenges some of our modern and especially postmodern prejudices against striving to envision truth as a whole. It aligns these results with some of the recent advances in critical theory, for example, by Frederic Jameson, Eric Santner, and Slavoj Zizek, who likewise attempt to break through the confinements of strictly scientific epistemology. Extending the range of such contemporary critiques in directions suggested by Rosenzweig, Benjamin, and Blanchot, the essay exposes the deep roots in canonical and classical humanities tradition of such revisionary thinking of knowledge as finally a form of “revelation.” The kind of wholeness and the ideal of universality embodied in the epic and in humanities knowledge in general appear in a striking new light based not on the concept, with its inevitably exclusionary logic (A versus not-A) but rather on a negative-theological thinking of the not-All which involves, nevertheless, a relatedness to all without restrictions or exclusions.  This thinking-beyond-the-concept is shown to drive the dynamics of imaginative expression striving towards epic wholeness.


January 2014: William Franke is Professor of Philosophy and Religions at the University of Macao and Professor of Comparative Literature at Vanderbilt University. He is research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung and has been Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Intercultural Theology at the University of Salzburg. As a philosopher of the humanities with a negative theological vision of the origin and significance of human culture, he elaborates a theological poetics in books including Dante’s Interpretive Journey (Chicago, 1996), Poetry and Apocalypse (Stanford, 2009), and Dante and the Sense of Transgression (London, 2012). His apophatic philosophy is directly developed in On What Cannot Be Said (Notre Dame, 2007) and A Philosophy of the Unsayable (Notre Dame, forthcoming).


Katsman, Roman . 2013. Love and Bewilderment: Matvei Kagan's Literary Critical Concepts. Partial Answers 11(1): 9-28. Publisher's Version

The essay discusses the literary-critical concepts of Matvei Kagan (1889-1937) - a Russian philosopher of Jewish origin, a student and follower of Hermann Cohen, Paul Natorp, and Ernst Cassirer, and a close friend of Mikhail Bakhtin in his early, constitutive period of the Nevel Circle (1918-1920). The concepts of love and bewilderment, as defined in Kagan's works on Turgenev and Pushkin, are examined in the context of his philosophy of history, culture, and art. In the center of Kagan's historical theory of literature lies the idea of the Jewish community as a model for canonization of the cultural work. Kagan views literature as generating self-awareness and national-cultural identity, either through tragic bewilderment at the loss of freedom and love in history (in the case of Pushkin) or through a culture's self-defining dialogue with other cultures (as in the case of Turgenev). The central concept of this approach is that of svive-libe - "love of environment," interpreted as love for a community's cultural contribution in the context of its purposefulness in a universal human context.


January 2013: Dr. Roman Katsman is a researcher of Hebrew and Russian literature and of literary theory and poetics. He is an author of the books: The Time of Cruel Miracles: Mythopoesis in Dostoevsky and Agnon (2002), Poetics of Becoming: Dynamic Processes of Mythopoesis in Modern and Postmodern Hebrew and Slavic Literature (2005), At the Other End of Gesture. Anthropological Poetics of Gesture in Modern Hebrew Literature (2008), and 'A Small Prophecy': Sincerity and Rhetoric in the Works of S.Y. Agnon (2013, in Hebrew, in press).


Budick, Sanford . 2009. The Emergence of Oedipus's Blessing: Evoking Wolfgang Iser. Partial Answers 7(1): 63-85. Publisher's Version

In these pages I present my interpretation of Iser’s model of emergence. I emphasize that what I am presenting is my understanding and exemplification of the relations among the chief terms in Iser’s model, namely, recursion, negativity, and emergence. At the same time, what I offer is, I believe, an extrapolation from what we know of Iser’s terms. I propose that the recursive relations and emergences traced by Iser in effect constitute an interactive experience of that which he called the “imaginary.” This recursive experience is a way of collectively taking part in the emergence of imagined being. This is to suggest that in his theoretical work Iser was moving from a theory of the individual act of reading to a theory of cultural and artistic transformation that is necessarily a shared activity. In its fully specified form I believe that this theory must have profound ontological implications, in other words, for how we participate in the being that, via negativity and the imaginary, we are presently helping to bring into being. Iser, I believe, had begun to explain how the greatest works of art and culture enact an interactive, transformative, and emergent way of being in recursion. The exemplifications of emergence that I analyze are from the works of Sophocles, Milton, and Kant.


Sanford Budick received his A.B. at Harvard College (1963) and his Ph.D. at Yale University (1966). He was formerly Professor of English at Cornell University and is Professor of English at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he was founding-director (1980-2000) of the Center for Literary Studies. He is the recipient of Guggenheim and NEH Fellowships. He has written Dryden and the Abyss of Light: A Study of Religio Laici and The Hind and the Panther (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970), Poetry of Civilization: Mythopoeic Displacement in the Verse of Milton, Dryden, Pope, and Johnson (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974), The Dividing Muse: Images of Sacred Disjunction in Milton’s Poetry (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000). With Geoffrey Hartman he edited Midrash and Literature (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986). With Wolfgang Iser he edited Languages of the Unsayable: The Play of Negativity in Literature and Literary Theory (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989; reprinted Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996) and The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996).

His Kant and Milton was published by Harvard University Press in 2010. He is currently at work on a book entitled How to Achieve Intimacy of Being: Essays on Wordsworth, Milton, Shakespeare, and Sophocles.


updated in June 2014

Godzich, Wlad . 2009. The Holocaust: Questions for the Humanities. Partial Answers 7(1): 133-148. Publisher's Version

This paper discusses the challenges posed by the Holocaust and its representations to the practices of the Humanities. The nature of these challenges is brought through an examination of the German Historikerstreit and the French controversies surrounding Heidegger’s relation to the Nazis. The nature of historical representation and its relation to affect are examined in works by Jacques Derrida, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, and Jean-Francois Lyotard. The Humanities cannot appropriate the Holocaust but they cannot ignore it either. They face the daunting task of learning how to remember it.


January 2009: Wlad Godzich is Professor of General and Comparative Literature, and Critical Studies in the Department of Literature at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He has taught at Columbia, Yale, the University of Minnesota, l’Université de Montréal, the University of Toronto, and l’Université de Genève. He has written extensively on the theory of literature and on emergent literature. He is currently exploring the significance of the rise of a knowledge driven society. His books include The Culture of Literacy (1994).


Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich . 2009. How (if at All) Can We Encounter What Remains Latent in Texts?. Partial Answers 7(1): 87-96. Publisher's Version

As readers, we sometimes have the impression that texts “know” more than their authors ever did. The article refers to this type of (supposed) textual knowledge as latency. It argues that, if there is no direct, methodological, deductive or inductive way towards that which appears to be latent, the Stimmung (mood, atmosphere) produced by the text, as a maximally light and yet invariably physical environment, can become a symptom of what remains latent -- without transforming latency into a situation of open excess. Thus, for instance, in Thomas Mann’s novella “Death in Venice” the detailed descriptions of the ever changing weather of Venice produce in the reader what is best described as a mood — a quasi-physical certainty of being in the presence of something latent, that will eventually reveal itself as a longing for death permeating the homoerotic desire that has overcome the protagonist.

In those cases where long processes of crystallization of latency do not lead to situations of evidence, the intervention of our judgment is required -- the intervention of a judgment that can make itself dependent on better or worse reasons but will never be regarded as exclusively true, or exclusively adequate.


January 2009: Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht is the Albert Guérard Professor of Literature at Stanford University. Among his books on literary theory and literary and cultural history are Eine Geschichte der spanischen Literatur (1990; Spanish translation forthcoming); Making Sense in Life and Literature (Minnesota University Press, 1992); In 1926--Living at the Edge of Time (Harvard University Press, 1998); Corpo e forma (Italy / Mimesis, 2001); Vom Leben und Sterben des großen Romanisten (Germany/Hanser, 2002), The Powers of Philology (University of Illinois Press, 2003), and Production of Presence (Stanford University Press, 2004), and In Praise of Athletic Beauty (forthcoming at Harvard Press, spring 2006). He is a regular contributor to the Humanities-section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, NZZ (Zürich), and the Folha de São Paulo. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Professeur attaché au Collège de France, and has been a Visiting Professor at numerous universities on several continents, most recently at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.


Kohlross, Christian . 2009. Walter Benjamin's 'The Task of the Translator': Theory after the End of Theory. Partial Answers 7(1): 97-108. Publisher's Version

If literary theory recently has undergone a fundamental change, the question arises: is it possible that the very nature of theory has itself changed?  This paper argues that Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of the Translator” provides some strategies that allow us to take up this question. In order to make this clear, one must first bear in mind that Benjamin’s essay implies a new understanding of literary theory by stating that a general theory of understanding has to be designed by using the form of a translation theory that (in contrast to a simple translation) specifies the conditions that must be filled in order for the utterances of one’s own language to be seen as synonymous with those of a foreign language. Thus, like Donald Davidson after him, Benjamin had come to the conclusion that translation must be fused with the interpretational theory of translation in order to avoid infinite regresses. This, however, ultimately means that literary theory is — as pure or true language — the virtual goal, and not the precondition of any cognition that arises from the perspective of literary studies.


January 2009: Christian Kohlross, who has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Mannheim, is currently Walter Benjamin Visiting Professor at the Department of German Literature and at the Program of Cultural Studies of The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. His research is focussed on literary theory (esp. shared problems of philosophy and philology), literary forms of knowledge and the history of modern lyric poetry.  He has published two books -- Literary Theory and Pragmatism, or The Question of the Reasons of Philological Knowledge (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2007) and Theory of the Modern Nature Poem: Oskar Loerke, Günter Eich, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann (Würzburg: Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2000); he has just completed a book on Literary Epistemology.  


Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith . 2007. Wolfgang Iser -- In Memoriam. Partial Answers 5(2): 141-144. Publisher's Version

An obituary for Wolfgang Iser (1926—2007), a great scholar and a kind and generous person. An overview of the history of Iser’s theoretical thought is followed by a record of an episode of private life.


Born in Jerusalem, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan is Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the author of The Concept of Ambiguity, the Example of James (1977), Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics (1983), and A Glance Beyond Doubt: Narration, Representation, Subjectivity (1996); she is the editor of Discourse in Literature and Psychoanalysis (1987). Her current fields of research are Illness Narratives and Theory of Interdisciplinarity.

Updated March 25, 2012


Schwartz, Yigal . 2007. The Other Side of Gershon Shaked. Partial Answers 5(2): 145-151. Publisher's Version

An obituary for Gershon Shaked (1929—2006), a major authority in Israeli Literary studies and the author of the master-narrative of secular Hebrew literature. The article points to a disparity between Shaked’s recognized status in the country and his view of himself as a subversive, balloon-puncturing eiron, critical of the exalted Apollonian stance in literature as well as in criticism.


June 2007: Professor Yigal Schwarz is Director of Heksherim Institute for Jewish and Israeli Literature and Culture at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev and a senior editor of the publishing house Kenneret Zmora Bitan and Dvir. He is the author of numerous books and articles on Modern Hebrew Literature. His latest book, Vantage Point (2005), deals with the historiography of Hebrew Literature.


Grabes, Herbert . 2007. Culture or Literature?. Partial Answers 5(2): 153-164. Publisher's Version

With the “cultural turn” English philology has changed in many places into a kind of super-discipline by taking over, at least in part, the work of sociology, history, psychology, and philosophy. The article argues that in order to avoid dilettantism, the excellent qualification for a semiotic or signifying approach to all aspects of culture should be made use of, especially since this approach goes well together with the more recent view of culture as an immaterial construct in terms of an ensemble, or rather a specific hierarchy, of values. In order to discuss the role of literature in and for the wider domain of culture it seems necessary to first delimit this textual corpus, and for that reason a number of recent attempts to define “literature” or “the literary” are considered -- including one of my own that sees its specificity in a validational modesty resulting from a focusing on the particular and the suspension of reference. Due to this modest confinement to the presentation of merely possible worlds, literature is granted a “free space” in culture where it can even intimate the limits of the culture of its origin. For this reason it deserves special attention even at a time when the study of culture and media studies are in vogue.


June 2007: Herbert Grabes ( is Professor of English and American Literature at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany). He has published widely on literary theory, Renaissance English Literature and twentieth-century American literature. He is the author of Fictitious Biographies: Vladimir Nabokov’s English Novels (The Hague, 1977); Fiktion – Imitation – Ästhetik: Was ist Literatur? (Tübingen, 1981); The Mutable Glass. Mirror-Imagery in Titles and Texts of the Middle Ages and the English Renaissance (Cambridge, 1982); Das englische Pamphlet I: 1521-1640 (Tübingen, 1990); Das amerikanische Drama des 20. Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart, 1998); Einführung in die Literatur und Kunst der Moderne und Postmoderne. Die Ästhetik des Fremden (Tübingen, 2004) and co-editor of REAL (The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature).


Gilbert, Sandra M. . 2007. On the Road with D. H. Lawrence - Or, Lawrence as Thought-Adventurer: An Essay in Honor of H. M. Daleski on his Eightieth Birthday. Partial Answers 5(1): 1-15. Publisher's Version

Defining Lawrence’s “expository writings not as laboratory reports on experiments successfully concluded but as signposts to a road” traveled in his art, H. M. Daleski notes that these “theories were consistently modified by the artistic experience, which in turn led to further formulations.” Indeed, these continually revised and modified formulations of theories about almost everything constituted what Lawrence called “thought adventures”; in themselves they were signs of a yearning toward wholeness-in-duality that that can account for this writer’s special charisma. For Lawrence was not just a novelist, a poet, and a critic; he was also, in our current rather inadequate terminology, a public intellectual.

            To be “on the road” with D. H. Lawrence is to be engaged in an extraordinary thought adventure, accompanied by an unfailingly engaged and engaging commentator whose intellectual wholeness-in-duality was of a sort we rarely encounter on the contemporary literary scene. In developing this point, the article also argues that Lawrence’s great intellectual and creative adventure, though acutely modern, was also astutely anti-modernist. Although his early work was championed by such modernist luminaries as Ezra Pound and Ford Maddox Ford, by the end of his career he had become virtually the polar opposite of the quintessential modernist T. S. Eliot. Not coincidentally, perhaps, by the end of his career this thought adventurer addressed his ideas not just to an exclusively high cultural audience of the “fit though few” but to the masses among whom he could be, as he put it, “in the thick of the scrimmage.”


January 2000: Sandra M. Gilbert, a professor of English at the University of California at Davis and former president of the Modern Language Association, is the author of seven collections of poetry. Belongings, her latest book of poems, appeared from Norton in 2005, and a prose work, Death’s Door: Modern Dying and the Ways We Grieve, was published by Norton in 2006. Professor Gilbert has also published a memoir, Wrongful Death (Norton) and an anthology of elegies, Inventions of Farewell (Norton), along with a number of critical works, including Acts of Attention: The Poems of D. H. Lawrence, and essays in journals ranging from Critical Inquiry and PMLA to Massachusetts Review, Kenyon Review, Partisan Review and others. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in such periodicals as Poetry, Field, the Ontario Review, Epoch, the American Poetry Review, American Scholar, the New Yorker, and elsewhere, as well as in a number of anthologies. With Susan Gubar, a professor of English at Indiana University, she has coauthored The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the 19th-century Literary Imagination, and No Man’s Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the 20th Century, volumes 1, 2, and 3: The War of the Words, Sexchanges, and Letters from the Front (all from Yale University Press). In addition, Gilbert and Gubar have coedited Shakespeare’s Sisters: Feminist Essays on Women Poets (Indiana) and The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. With poet and novelist Diana O Hehir, they have edited MotherSongs: Poems By, For, and About Mothers (Norton). With poet-critic Wendy Barker, Prof. Gilbert coedited The House Is Made of Poetry, a collection of essays on the work of prize-winning poet Ruth Stone.


Gelley, Alexander . 2007. Epigoni in the House of Language: Benjamin on Kraus. Partial Answers 5(1): 17-32. Publisher's Version

What links Walter Benjamin and Karl Kraus is a fascination with the dregs of public discourse, its “by-products” or “waste products,” but these to be understood as the negative pole of an exalted ideal of language, though conceived differently by each one. Benjamin was an avid reader of Die Fackel, a polemical gazette focused on Viennese journalism that Kraus published from 1899 to 1936. Benjamin’s 1931 essay on Kraus is one of his most densely woven, recondite productions, filled with formulations that reach back to Benjamin’s 1916 text “On Language as Such and on the Language of Man.” There, the act of naming designates the dimension of divine creative power in pre-Babelic language. In Kraus’s practice of citation Benjamin found traces of such a primordial capacity of language, a thetic power akin to divine naming. Citing in this sense involves not only the retrieval of a text or a concept, but intervention into the temporal process, the activation of a past in the present: citing as inciting. For Kraus, Benjamin wrote, “justice and language remain founded in each other,” making it clear that while justice in a legal sense (Recht) was often invoked in Kraus’s critique of journalism, what was fundamentally at stake was a reverence for “the image of divine justice [Gerechtigkeit] in language.”


January 2007: Alexander Gelley is a professor of comparative literature at the University of California, Irvine. He is the author of Narrative Crossings: Theory and Pragmatics of Prose Fiction (1987) and of essays on aesthetics and modern literature. Also the editor of Unruly Examples: On the Rhetoric of Exemplarity (1995).


Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich . 2006. About a Post-Metaphysical Reading of Borges and the Form of Thinking. Partial Answers 4(1): 181-196. Publisher's Version

The paper argues for a post-metaphysical reading of Jorge Luis Borges, a reading that would situate the writer’s work in a dimension of substance, presence and space, instead of understanding it exclusively in terms of discursive, metaphysically-anchored meaning. Borges’s poetry is viewed as anticipating the current turn in the humanities, from hermeneutics to the study and cultivation of a sense of the presence of the world and of art -- visual, verbal, or other.


Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht is the Albert Guérard Professor of Literature at Stanford University. Among his books on literary theory and literary and cultural history are Eine Geschichte der spanischen Literatur (1990; Spanish translation forthcoming); Making Sense in Life and Literature (Minnesota University Press, 1992); In 1926--Living at the Edge of Time (Harvard University Press, 1998); Corpo e forma (Italy / Mimesis, 2001); Vom Leben und Sterben des großen Romanisten (Germany/Hanser, 2002), The Powers of Philology (University of Illinois Press, 2003), and Production of Presence (Stanford University Press, 2004), and In Praise of Athletic Beauty (forthcoming at Harvard Press, spring 2006). He is a regular contributor to the Humanities-section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, NZZ (Zürich), and the Folha de São Paulo. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Professeur attaché au Collège de France, and has been a Visiting Professor at numerous universities on several continents, most recently at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

updated in January 2009